“Tokyo 2020” (Commercial, Dir. Matt Lazzarini. CBC)
“Nintendo”(Commercial, Dir. The Norman Bros. SPARKS)
“Claritin” (Commercial, Dir. Alex Ogus. FRANK Content)
“Rexall”(Print Campaign. Photographer Christopher Brown. Bensimon Byrne)
“Children’s Advil” (Commercial, Dir. Charlie Tyrell. OPC)
“Wholly Veggie” (commercial, Director Ryan Szulc, SPY)
“Rogers” (Commercial, Dir Mat Barkley, IQ)
“Casper” (Commercial, Dir Danny Sangra, Spy Films)
”RBC- Apple” (Commercial. Dir Jesse Senko, Holiday Films)
“Crest” (Commercial. Dir Jesse Blight, Bogue Productions)
“Home Hardware” (Commercial, Dir Jesse Blight, HeydSaffer)
UBISOFT (Wardrobe Scanning for multiple Video Games. MoCap Studio)
“FORD” (Commercial, Dir Ian Robertson, Frank Content)
"Questrade” (Commercial, Dir. Ray Dillman, Frank Content)
“Galderma” (Commercial, Dir. Stewart Cohen, Clark Stanley)
“CAA-GOLF"(Commercial, Dir. Jesse Blight. Heyd and Seek)
"CAA" (Commercial, Dir. Jesse Blight. Heyd and Seek)
"Liam and May" (Independent Short, Dir. Keith Murphy. Backstraight Productions)
"Ice Cream Girl" (Sizzle Promo. Dir. Clive Smith. Mustacostafortune)
"HP Toner" (Commercial, Dir. Andrew Simon. Edelman)
"Welcome to Weeville" (Pilot, Dir Michael Kessler. Universal Kids)
""Knorr" (Commercial, Dir. Scott Tavner & Matt Smith. Edelman.)
"Swiss Chalet" (Commercial, Dir. Paul Wales. Alter ego Films)
"Oxford Wild Blueberries"(Commercial, Dir. Paul Wales. Grateful Pictures)
"Ford" (Commercial, Dir. Ian Robertson. Sequoia Content)
"The Big Fun Crafty Show" (TV Series, Dir. Wayne Moss. Breakthrough Ent/NBC)
"The Case of the Massey Bodice Ripping" (Short Film, Dir. Karen Knox. Boss & Co.)
"Questrade" (Commercial, Dir. Ray Dillman. Frank Content)
"Maple Leaf-Shredded Meat" (Commercial, Dir. Nicole Dorsey. Someplace Nice.
"BMO" (Commercial, Dir. Jesse Blight. Circle)
"Dairy Farmers Of Canada-J.A. Happ" (Commercial, Dir. Finn O'Hara. Suneeva)
"RBC" (Commercial, Dir. Greg Popp, CornerStore Films)
"Only People" (Independent Feature, Dir. Mark Wheeden)
"Resolve Laundry Detergent" (Commercial. Producer Simon Dragland, ScepticTank)
"Break The Behaviour" (Commercial-PSA, Dir. Sean Frewer, Mass Minority)
"La Boda De Valentina" (Feature-Romantic Comedy, Toronto Crew. Dir. Marco Polo Constandse. Filmadora/HLP)
"Bell/Raptors" (Commercial, Dir. Finn O'Hara, Suneeva)
"TD Bank" (commercial, Dir. Mark Graham, Diamond)
"Gravol" (Commercial, Directing Team Dan Abdo & Jason Patterson, Ad Hoc Content)
"Nikon" (Print, Photographer Felix Odell, Suneeva)
"Samsonite" (commercial, Dir. Mitchell Gabourie, Forte Films)
"Spinmaster" (Commercial, Dir. Mitchell Gabourie, Code Films)
"Aspirin" (Commercial, Dir. Ian Robertson, Sequoia Productions)
"Man Seeking Woman" (Promo, Victor House Films)
"Amazing Spider-Man" (Family Channel/DHX Commercial, Dir. Sean O'Neill)
"Pixels-Doh-Vinci" (Commercial, Dir. Sean O'Neill, Family Channel, DHX)
"Canadian Athletes Fund" (Commercial, Dir. Chris Hutsul, Soft Citizen)
"Robot" (Commercial, Dir. Jeff Aron Lable, Suneeva)
"ACT/CAAS" (New York Interactive Training Video, Dir. Henry Less, HLP)
"Three Chords From The Truth" (Comedy Series, Dir. Henry Less, HLP)
Performing Arts Diploma, George Brown Theatre School
IATSE Permittee/NABET Permittee
WHMIS, Ontario Supervisor and Worker Health and Safety Certificates